Guyabano or Soursoup is known for it is the fruit that has the most delectable flavor and the front liner on delicious fruits on earth for some. It originated from Tropical America and today it is known throughout the globe. This fruit is usually picked before it ripens and fall. It is a favorite dessert but it should be eaten in moderation.
Guyabano is one of the fruits which may seem not delicious on the outside but when you eat its juicy, luscious flesh, your tastebuds will surely ask for more on its alluring combination of strawberry and pineapple with sour citrus notes contrasting with the rich flavor of coconut or banana. Its juice is one of the most favorite drinks of all time considering its taste and its nutrients. No wonder it is number one on the list of delicious fruits.
Other benefits of fruits are for healing aspects. Guyabano has proven its worth on medical aspect as well. It is used in treating illness concerning stomach ailments, deworming, vomiting, treating head lice and bed bugs could be healed by this fruit. Meanwhile its juice is indeed an effective remedy for urethritis, haematuria, leprosy, eczema, skin problems, rheumatism and liver ailments.

In restaurants, guyabanos are usually served as fresh cut-sized fruit. Some reinvention of the fruit was done through making it into cakes, ice creams, beverages, sauces and a replacement for garnishes. Guyabanos are fermented as well to become wine. Young guyabanos served as a vegetable mixing it with different Filipino and Chinese cuisines.
Nutritional facts for guyabano are as follows:
Vitamin C: 20.6
Calcium: 14
Iron: 0.6
Calories: 66
Dietary Fiber: 3.3g
Protein: 1g
Sodium: 14mg.
Sugars: 13.54g
Carbohydrates: 16.84g
Fat: 0.3g
Saturated Fat: .05
Monounsaturated fat: .09 g.
Polyunsaturated fat: .06g.
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