Avocado is a popular fruit and is considered as one of the delicious fruits around the globe. All year round, this fruit is available in every supermarket. This fruit originated in Mexico and Central America but to this day everyone can plant this fruit due to its adaptable feature. It is considered as well as one of the most loved fruit because of its delicious taste.
This fruit is believed to be high in fat content which people would definitely think bad for their health but in reality avocados have been shown to have good cholesterol called oleic acid which is good for our cardiovascular system. Having this kind of acid is one of the good benefits of fruits. It is as well low in calories which makes it okay to eat for those who are having intensive diet. Studies have shown that its high fat content helps in human weight control.
Avocado is for all ages. Even infants could enjoy eating this fruit. It has low sodium and believed to be an ideal fruit for infants. It provides them with more Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Niacin, Folacin, Potassium and Magnesium completing an infants’ daily dose of vitamins and minerals needed in a day.
This fruit has been called “the veritable fruit of paradise” because of its healing power that gradually becomes widely recognized. It is excellent for people having heart diseases, eye problems, stroke problems, obesity, and cancer such as prostate, oral, breast.
Avocados are used for beauty regimes as well. It contains glutathione, an important antioxidant which is important in preventing aging. It has Vitamin E powerhouse that protects against many diseases, maintains overall health and makes our skin a lot smoother, fairer and beautiful.
This fruit also serves as hors d’oeuvre, soup, salad, dip, sandwich spread, garnish, half- shell spoon-out, entrée, dessert, or beverage with various kinds of use in each category.
The benefits of fruits like avocado don’t end yet on giving us a healthy body. This could be use as soap, facial mask, moisturizer, exfoliating scrub and conditioner as well proving this fruit has many variations even in improving ones’ beauty regimes. Its vitamin content is really good for the skin and for the hair, making it glow and healthy plus it doesn’t contain chemical additives which leads to the full beauty development of skin and hair.
Avocado has rich supply of minerals and vitamins. Some of them are: Vitamin B12, Calcium, Zinc, Phosphorous, Riboflavin, Folate, Thiamine, Vitamin E, Glutathione Complex, Potassium, Copper, Pantothenic Acid, and Pyridoxine which makes this fruit remarkably tasty and one of the most delicious fruits you could have been eaten.