Trappist Westvleteren 8

Trappist Westvleteren 8 is one of the best strong beer that you could have ever tasted! It got good feed backs on different beer reviews. This beer made from Belgium is a world favorite. Its taste and aroma are amazing! I bet that once you have tasted this best strong beer, it would be one of your favorites!

This best strong beer pours a deep dark chestnut brown color which is completely opaque with a one finger off-white head that slowly fades into a thin lasting ring. Minimal spots of lacing left behind. I find it alluring and I may say, its appearance is already a winner! Severalbeer reviews said its appearance is a "Belgian Classic" that's why everyone is being hooked into it by just its appearance.

Spicy, estery aroma with lots of vinous dark fruit, zesty pepper and earthy hops are the aromas you would sense on this best strong beer. Complex nose with lots of plum, grape, raisin, fig, date and dark cherry are present as well. This is complimented by a nice roasted malt presence with hints of chocolate and caramel and subtle earthy pine. Peppery with coriander as well as hints of yeast/bread, sweet alcohol phenol and licorice. Its complex aroma gives another plus factor for this best strong beer.

Medium bodied with a prominent spicy and hoppy flavor that lingers over the roasted malt body and sweet dark fruit notes into a dry finish for this beer. Dry, earthy and slightly bitter with some piney hop flavor which is complimented by the zesty, peppery spice. This is countered mid palate by a slightly roasted chocolate malt backbone with hints of caramel, toffee, biscuit and licorice. Hints of slightly chalky, bready yeast add complexity and fullness to the body. Toward the end of the swallow there is a very prominent vinous dark fruit flavor with hints of fig, raisin, plum, grape and dark cherry. The hops have held up surprisingly well and are very prominent in the flavor profile. The malt and dark fruit notes are enhanced as it warms, balancing things out a bit. ABV is excellently masked with subtle alcohol sweetness but no heat whatsoever making this pretty quaffable.

Overall,  Trappist Westvleteren 8  is one of the most interesting trappist beers I've had. It's well balanced but much hoppier than any Belgian beer in this style that I have encountered. The malt and dark fruit notes really start to shine as it warms. Different beer reviews state that it is truly one of the "bestest" ever! This beer is recommended drinking at cellar temperature or letting it warm up considerably to enjoy it at it's fullest potential. Not as complex, flavorful or easy to drink as the 12 but it's still pretty good! Two thumbs up for Trappist Westvleteren 8!

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