Kuhnhenn Bourbon Barrel Fourth Dementia

Kuhnhenn Bourbon Barrel Fourth Dementia is an all time favorite on different beer reviews! This beer made from Michigan, United States is a worldwide favorite. This best strong beer should be tasted by everyone! This will complete your world's best beers list.

The appearance of this best strong beer pours a small, medium-thin, light tan head with lousy retention. Really noisy and fizzes down to a slight ring very quickly. Color is a clear seal brown with no carbonation evident. Slight ring remains but leaves no lacing down the glass. Not off putting, but definitely not attractive. Majority of beer reviews find it lame. Forget this though; the rest is killer!

The aroma of this best strong beer is the first big plus factor! A big, bold nose of bourbon barrel. Lots of oak, vanilla, piles of bourbon, and some nice caramel and toffee aromas. Notes of maple syrup and brown sugar as well. Smells like barrel aged sweet goodness. It is a total pleasure for the nose! If you would base it just from its aroma, it would be the best among the best strong beers around the globe! Different beer reviews on the 'net would agree to me!

Its taste is as much like it smells, but moves from a tamer initial flavor to a burst after the swallow. Caramel and toffee flavors up front, with lots of maple syrup and lots of brown sugar. After the swallow, an avalanche of oak, vanilla sweetness, caramel, and lots of bourbon goodness. Quite boozy and barrel heavy after the swallow, but it’s very, very tasty. Bold and lingering aftertaste is full of caramel sweetness and bourbon barrel, but is perhaps a little too hot for top marks.

Kuhnhenn Bourbon Barrel Fourth Dementia's mouthfeel was excellent! Medium-full body with medium carbonation. Creamy on the palate, goes down smooth with a blast of heat after the swallow and finishes slightly sticky. A big alcohol burn at the end is a little rough, but the rest of the palate is strong enough to support such a big brew.

Overall, what a tasty treat! It deserves to be one of the best strong beers indeed! This one is very barrel forward, especially after the swallow, and although I usually like my BA beers a little more nuanced, this one just seems to work. The base beer and relatively full bodied palate are big enough to support the big barrel presence, making it a delicious brew as opposed to a harsh booze bomb. It is, admittedly, still a little hot, but with a little time, this will be outstanding. In fact, according to the masses, it already is outstanding. I can’t argue with that. This beer is recommended for all those beer lovers out there! 

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