Sweetwater Dank Tank Fresh Sticky Nugs

Sweetwater Dank Tank Fresh Sticky Nugs is indeed one of the best strong beer ever! This beer made from Georgia, USA is one of those beers you should taste. This best strong beer will certainly complete your alcoholic cravings, as agreed by majority of beer reviews in the internet.
Dank Tank Fresh Sticky Nugs has a deep red body that is orange around the edges. The center is opaque due partially to the dark red color, but also partially to quite a bit of haze. The head looks great, with about a finger and a half of dark-tan head. The head is thick and foamy looking, with great retention and lacing. Its appearance is excellent due to its graphics, indeed one of the factors to consider that it is one of the best strong beers in the market today.

The aroma is quite a good one for me in contrast of some beer reviews wherein they hate it. It has lots of sweet caramel malts, with even more hops. It also has lots of fresh, grassy hops with hints of generic citrus and a good bit of grapefruit. This best strong beer mixes the luscious effect of its aroma and its hops.
The great fresh hop flavors of this best strong beer from the aroma come through a little bit toward the end of the beer, with juicy citrus and a little bit of grass. The finish and aftertaste leaves the impression of a rich, complex beer, with both hops and malt represented. I think the aftertaste might be the best part of the beer, that’s why I still consider this beer as a good one as agreed by other beer reviews on the internet.The big fresh hop characteristics that are in the nose don't translate well into the flavor which is a big turndown on this beer. A very sharp bitterness comes through first, with a heavy pine and grapefruit flavor to back it up, but the flavors are quickly silenced by big malty notes that mix a ton of caramel malt with toffee and dry, toasted flavors.
The mouthfeel is quite good. Thick and creamy, Fresh Sticky Nugs has the body and carbonation down.

Fresh Sticky Nugs is a solid beer, with its best characteristics being the fresh hop flavor and the aftertaste. A little bit sweet for me, but still a great beer indeed. This beer is recommended for some office parties and dinner dates.

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