Tomato is a fruit with tons of health benefits. Since it is being used in different culinary practices, tomato is being mistaken as vegetables.
Tomatoes are popularly known to having generous amount of lycopene. Lycopene is a strong anti-oxidant that helps prevent and fight cancers. It helps prevent diseases by counteracting and reducing the effects of harmful free radicals before they can do damage to cellular structures.
Lycopene is about ten times more efficient than Vitamins when it comes to sniffing out radicals. Studies have shown that lycopene is a great protection against breast, colon, skin and lung cancers. Men who eat tomatoes 10x a week will more likely to reduce their risk of having certain cancers by half. Tomatoes help prevent and stop the growth of pre-existing cancer cells inside our body.
Some argued that when tomatoes are heated or cooked, the amount of Lycopene decreased. This is not true. Instead of having less when heated, the amount of Lycopene increases according to the studies.
For just about 540 milliliters of liquid tomato, you will have the full benefits of Lycopene. Drinking fresh tomato juice helps restore the injured, damaged or surgically removed liver.

Tomato is an excellent source of folate which reduces women's risk of delivering a child with brain and spinal cord defects. Cleaning and rejuvenating the skin is the other benefits of eating tomatoes.
Calorie Content of Tomato
Calorie per portion: 30
Calorie per 100 grams: 20
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