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Troubadour Obscura is definitely one of the most liked beer in the world. There is no wonder why it is always present on different beer reviews. Troubadour Obscura comes in a very pretty 750ml corked wine bottle. Two things attracted me to this beer; first, I had read great things about Troubadour’s beers, and second was the name Obscura; something about it just sounded menacing and wicked considering it is one of the best light beers in the world.
It is definitely one of the best light beers you would go crazy just to taste it. This beer made from Belgium is famous throughout the globe because of its pretty dark color and mild taste. The flavor of it is deeper, richer and more pronounced: clearly roasted and malty. It is one of the best light beers also because of its “deceptive factor”, wherein it has high alcohol content but it is not immediately felt except maybe for some slight glowing sensation. Majority of all beer review agrees that its aftertaste, with some licorice undertones, and a pleasant bitterness survives last. This is as well described by Troubadour as “Pleasantly bitter with a perfect combination of roasted malts, chocolate and spicy malt flavors”. Troubadour Obscura has the balance of smooth and wild flavors that you are looking on the best light beers. The spice factor gives it away a bit towards the wild side, but spice can still be very smooth.
The pour was pretty standard; nothing to creamy, nothing to crazy. But the end result was rich and filled with character. The beer was the deepest shade of brown mirroring on black with burgundy and dark purple beams of light. Actually, when I held it into the light it showed a lot of ruby red and golds. The head with lush and pillowy with a thick airy structure. It got up about 2 inches above the beer and just rested a creamy almond nutty brown.
Bring the Troubadour Obscura close to your mouth and breathe in as you let it flow into your mouth. I was expecting roast and chocolate off the bat, but it’s the Belgian boys that take the first set. Round and juicy flavors of dark malts, dried fruits, plums and pears show up with again, the boozy, brandy like sweetness. These are the aromas that you would put this beer on the list of best light beers you would ever taste. Spice and hints of lemon pepper, clove and cinnamon are not potent, but easily noticeable.
As I end this beer review, I am telling this beer is recommended mostly as a part of your dinner. The pronounced taste makes it an ideal match for dishes with strong tasting sauces. Let it fight with the taste, and I know it will be a sure win! Some will enjoy this beer as their last beer of the day or as dessert. This beer is truly a good thing, good feel light beer. So you there, go ahead and try it! It is truly a one of a class light beer.
The Black Damnation II is definitely one of the best strong beer I had ever tasted. This beer made from Belgium came from a dark twist of Urbain's mind. His idea is to realize a dozen beers with the use of Black Albert over a period of two years, which are as black as hell, filty rich in the nose and with massive taste. This beer series are always present on different beer reviews and everyone considers it as one of the best strong beer ever.
At first glimpse, the base beer is obscured by all of the "other stuff" going on considering everyone recognizes it as one of the best strong beer. By that I mean the coffee and the barrel aging flavors. Coffee explodes up out the snifter - nice roast, mild fruit - not an intense coffee smell but it is certainly prevalent. The oak & vanilla signature smells from barrels make
I don't give out taste scores of 5.0 lightly, but Black Damnation II earns it. Its taste was really something. A true good best strong beer! The coffee and roasted chocolate flavors have been seamlessly integrated with each other. Tons of coffee, sure, but so well combined with the rich chocolate and subtle fruits. Nice hop presence, lovely oak and vanilla from the barrels. A touch of smoke and whiskey perfectly compliment the leafy, “roasty” back-end.
This is not a sweet beer; the bitterness comes from multiple angles with enough rich malt to balance it. Faint echoes of dark fruits flirt around the top of your tongue on the finish as the astringency numbs and resets the palate for the next sip. Honestly? This reminds me most of Canadian Breakfast Stout, only that this is much better!themselves known too. I'm getting some quite green “bittering” hops. It strikes me that I smell this beer too cold, as astringency and bitterness are the dominant smells right now, so I will wait for it to warm up. After waiting for five or so minutes with my hands around the snifter the beer opens up a lot more. I get this rich sort of chocolate-hazelnut syrup thing. Some Black Albert-style dark fruits hit the nose if you inhale deeply. Maybe the slightest bit of brown spirits. That chocolate-hazelnut thing sure goes well with the coffee aromas. I love how each attempt at smelling has different things moving forward. Some whiffs have a ton of oak, some are all coffeehouse, and others still get a balance between green hops and black cherries. This is a popular comment on other beer reviews as well. So I am commending the aroma for its “yum” factor.
Best mouthfeel on a stout that I've had since I start drinking. This best strong beer has a thick, bold body. Substantial in the mouth, smooth against the tongue and like a milkshake going down your throat; this beer will give you real satisfaction. The drinkability on the other hand, the bottle size is just about perfect. The ABV is 12%, after all. This is one expensive brew when taking into consideration that you can't purchase this beer on American soil but it is really worth it once you’ve tasted it!
This beer is a revelation. I have another bottle but, damn, do I wish I had many more. Founders, I love you to pieces, but Black Damnation II is the best combination of coffee stout and barrel-aged stout that I've had. Beer reviews must have agreed with me! Yet this is another world-class beer from De Struise. This beer is recommended for dinner, lunch and other socialite parties, a true blue partner!
Kingpin Double Red Ale is one of the best light beers I had tasted. This beer made from Bridgeport Connecticut starts out innocently enough with its ruby red clarity. Immediately it gets’s comfortable and relaxes with an exceptionally strong, khaki-colored, white cap. And much like those annoying companions, it recedes slowly, leaving behind a ragged trail of lace behind.
Giving the glass a healthy swirl and generating some air into the glass we place it under our nose only to be inspired by aromas of sweet caramel, bitter pine and fresh cut grass, its aroma is one of the factors why it is considered as one of the best light beers in Connecticut. Among other beer reviews, its aroma is considered the best!
Its smell was more on the mix of spicy and floral thing which is a good combination for me. Other beer reviews for this agreed with my opinion that its hops were a good factor for its smell. It is a bit bready, malty and some yeast is present when you smell it a bit longer. I may say, the smell was not bad.
Initial taste of this best light beer is very sweet almost nutty malt like chestnuts followed by an assertive blast of earthy hops that carries forever. Very bold and flavorful! Not overly complex, just a nice balance between the malts and hops, and I personally feel the aggressive hoping gives this beer a unique taste, more similar to a “Marzen” than a red. Its taste would definitely be another plus factor for it.
The taste was cherry cream soda turning into hops then turning into light chocolate and turns hop again. It is surprisingly un-hoppy, considering this is "triple hopped." It's actually quite mild overall, but quite pleasant. The alcohol is well hidden by the hop and cherry flavors. In general, the Kingpin ends up tasting like normal, old red ale. A good red ale, but certainly not as extreme as you might expect given the "double" and "triple" on the label. The taste might be a bit disappointing for me. So I guess, I won’t agree with some beer reviews regarding its taste considering its one of the best light beers of Connecticut.
My conclusion for this “best light beer” would be 3 out of 5. For being "triple hopped", I agree that this was disappointing and perhaps a failed attempt at making an amped up red ale. I would think BridgePort could make this a lot “hoppier” and big, as they did with their Hop Czar IPA, and still call it a "double red". This is my only complaint against this beer. I got mad respect for BridgePort as a hallmark of the Portland beer scene; I know they can do this one better. But still, aroma and smell are good; truly deceiving. I guess this beer is recommended for parties and dinner dates. I think this could be appreciated these times.
When a person does a series of beer review, Lagunitas Sucks Holiday Ale would always be on everyone’s list. This beer made from California USA, has a good history. It’s invention was actually just accidental. Something went terribly when the brewery was attempting to make a batch of “Olde Gnarly Wine Ale”: one of the products that they are selling. To be able to saved these products, a bunch of brown sugar was added to the boil and Lagunitas Sucks Holiday Ale, Brown Shuga Substitute was born. This is now considered one of the best light beers in USA.
Its aroma is the first factor why it is considered one of the best light beers among beer reviews. Lagunitas has developed a very large aromatic element which finishes with some metal. The overwhelming aromas of guava, mango and peach would surely give you the high to taste this beer. Some pineapple and citrus notes are present in this best light beer as well. It is exceptionally powerful if you would talk about its aroma.
Its color was the next thing you would give credits to this beer. In almost all beer reviews, everyone loves its soothing pale gold color with some haziness but not as chill haze.
The aftertaste is a little buttery with the diacetyl coming through in the finish quite strongly. It doesn’t detract too strongly from the beer for me since this is still a very, very fruity beer indeed, but it does not make the brew feel clean at all. Not especially well defined really, and that detracts from the fruity element that I generally like. Medium to low carbonation and a slight viscous feel in the mouth may not be good at all but still I
Lagunitas Sucks Holiday Ale, Brown Shuga Substitute is recommended to be paired of with fruity hop notes with even more flavors of the tropics. A meal of Caribbean pork and plantains will work well. The aggressive bitterness of the IPA will be calmed by the marbling of the pork, which also works to bring out fruit aromas in the beer. This would be a nice meal I promise. With the best main course and best light beer together, it is an absolutely perfect match!
Leatherlips IPA is one of the best light beers that MA has ever produced. This beer made from Haverhill MA is definitely enjoyed by Americans. It is one of the brands that beer experts would surely love once they have tasted it. As I browse some beer
I began buying this product with great expectations. Considering it is one of the best light beers, it has also a great packaging and a great aroma. Overall, when you see the Haverhill Brewery’s Leatherlips IPA, you would be tempted to buy it. It is one of the highly recommended beers on supermarkets. It is considered to be a better brew, as stated on beer reviews as well.reviews, I could read a 50/50 comment; 50% positive and 50% negative.
The aroma of this beer is really nice. Its moderate floral hops are truly intriguing but not overpowering. Mouthfeel of this product on the other hand is somewhat contrasting on its aroma. It might be one of the best light beers but its mouthfeel is not that good. It feels flat, despite the bubbles I can clearly see in the glass. It got a very light body, with a lack of texture. Some beer reviews may not agree with its flatness but it feels that way.
The beer manages to be both unrelentingly hoppy and easy to drink at the same time. There’s a lemon taste that seems to give brief relief from the hops without compromising on the bitterness. Taste is disappointing. For a brew with such a good hop smell, the hop taste, for me, is surprisingly meek. It’s almost as if they've been watered down. You get some grapefruit like citrus bitterness, which is the strongest component, and even that, at 50 IBU's, isn't strong for an American IPA. Finish is mildly bitter. For me, yes it is still okay to consider it as one of the best light beers but they should add up or trim down some ingredients to perfect its taste. Aroma won’t save this brand. After all, the final verdict is its “taste”.
This beer bummed me out. I just can't reconcile the discrepancy between the nice hop smell and the weak, watery taste. After some thought, I'm thinking that perhaps this is designed to be an entry level beer or this beer is recommended for non craft drinkers, an attempt to bring them into the craft world and not to overwhelm them. In that regard, it works very well and makes a lot of sense. It’s the only way I can explain how such a hyped brew can be such a downer. Though majority of them includes this as one of the best light beers, for me I’ll just rate this beer a 3 out 5. At the end of the day, it’s just my opinion, its still up to you guys to taste and judge it.
Samuel Adams Winter Lager would be one of the most famous beer brands throughout the globe. It is considered as one of the best light beer as well and it is the beer that is always present on different beer reviews. Samuel Adams Winter Lager is an American brand of
This best light beer pours an intense, somewhat murky dark copper color. And there's no other way to put it, but the head on this beer. Among other beer reviews, all agreed that its appearance is quite normal. It's an off-white color that starts wimpy and somehow retains itself even worse than that. Lacing is minimal. beer made from Boston. It is the beer brewed by the Boston Beer Company and its associated contract brewers in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Samuel Adams Winter Lager’s aroma is “just okay”. It has some roasted aroma probably stemming from the spices. That gives way to the malty characters and bready yeast notes. As it warms up I can pick out a touch of cinnamon floating in there. Also getting what smells like a hint of vanilla as well. It is a “yum” factor for people to crave more for this best light beer.
Its taste was a bit surprising. Assertive roasted malt backbone with notes of molasses, toffee and light chicory. A pleasant orange zest comes through the malt and behind that a hint of spice from cinnamon, and ginger. Some bitterness from hops is added for a touch of balance but leans toward the sweet malty side. This one tastes almost just like it smells. Some malty flavors and subtle spices are present as well. I would say it has a caramel flavor in there if you continue feel its taste but because of the spices it makes the caramel taste like its burnt. The finish has a touch of bitterness to it left over from the hops. Some beer reviews would say that its taste was quite disappointing considering it came from a worldwide known distillery of best light beers and strong beers which are truly popular.
Overall, I really like this beer because it’s cold outside and this beer really does seem to go well with all season. It is considered maybe as one of the best light beer for its decent, easy to drink and low alcohol content. Not overly flavorful or anything out of this world, but worth a chance if your a Boston lager fan, maybe looking for a spin on the classic lager or trying something new. I guess this beer is recommended for all who just want to enjoy the night with a light dinner on the side.
The aroma is very malt as is expected. I get to smell some caramel, toasted malts, warm biscuits, cocoa powder and a light hint of espresso as well, making it loved by teens and women. The aroma is another “win” factor for considering this as one of the best strong beer ever.This best strong beer pours a brown color with a large, off-white head. This rich mahogany colored body with a one finger off white bubbly head that dissipated quickly adds up the “yum” and “crave” factor for this beer. Its lacing effect on the glass makes this beer truly a favorite by just looking at it.
The flavor is more of the same. I get a lot of toffee and a little bread, as well as some grape-like fruit notes that mix very well with the malt which is agreed by many on some sites containing a beer review on this. I may say that the flavor is wonderfully balanced. It is another “A plus” factor for this so called "best strong beer”.
Wasatch Devastator Double Bock’s taste was of pecans and roasted nuts. It tasted much sweeter than a normal double bock. It almost seemed like it was a straight up pecan beer. It’s deceivingly smooth and delicious for me. It actually didn’t taste like a beer. Its medium bodied, lightly carbonated and it goes down real smooth with no bitter aftertaste. It is easy to drink and surely, you would tend to drink a lot of it so you better keep an eye on the bottles you have drunk.
Its mouthful was decent, smooth and feels like you had a mild choco beer drink. I may say, Wasatch Devastator Double Bock is totally an “A plus plus” beer. It would be another positive feedback from me.
Overall, I like this beer and I consider it perfectly made for my taste. I may say YOU should try this one. A super beer just for everyone’s taste. 98% from all beer review sites agreed on my taste. This beer is recommended for pairing it on dinner especially on heavy main course.